Carpet Cleaning Services in San Antonio, Texas - Get Professional Cleaning with Steam Master

Are you in search of a dependable carpet cleaning service in San Antonio, Texas? Steam Master Carpet Cleaning is the perfect choice for you. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, they offer a wide range of services, from carpet cleaning to upholstery cleaning and Scotchgard treatments. Their commitment to quality and attention to detail make them the top choice for carpet cleaning in San Antonio and its surrounding areas. Steam Master is certified by the IICRC and has a high-level reputation.

They use professional truck-mounted steam extraction systems and can move six to ten pieces of furniture in larger rooms and three to five items in smaller rooms. They specialize in treatments for hard-to-remove carpet stains, traffic lanes, pet stains, and odors. Before the professionals arrive, it is important to vacuum the carpet to remove any dirt that muddy feet and boots have dragged in. Steam Master also provides professional upholstery cleaning services that remove pet hair, stains, embedded dirt, dirt and allergens from your home's upholstered furniture.

When it comes to carpet cleaning, it is essential to choose a company that follows the manufacturer's cleaning recommendations. Less than 30% of “professional carpet cleaners” have ever attended any kind of class on how to clean carpets. A local professional carpet cleaning company can help you set up and maintain an appropriate schedule for homes with pets, children, allergies, smokers, and colored carpets. In most cases, a fixed rate applies to the number of rooms you need to clean and not to the square footage of those areas.

I have been working in carpet cleaning companies for rental properties in the San Antonio area for 25 years and Chem-Dry by the Millers is the best. If you are looking for a reliable carpet cleaning company in San Antonio, Texas that offers spot removal services, look no further than Steam Master Carpet Cleaning. With their commitment to quality and attention to detail, they are sure to exceed your expectations.